Metaverse Socialization Based on Contextual Theology in Indonesia Bethel Church (GBI) of Avia Setia Budi Medan


  • Padriadi Wiharjokusumo Akademi Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Darma Agung
  • Novita Romauli Saragih Universitas Darma Agung
  • Dameria Girsang Akademi Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Darma Agung
  • sela Karo-karo Universitas Darma Agung
  • Pangihutan Siringoringo STT Lintas Budaya Batam

Kata Kunci:

metaverse, contextual theology, spirituality


Metaverse is an expression of technological culture that has a global impact. These impacts will occur through knowledge, social, and geo-spatial. Artificial intelligence (AI) will connect all entities on Earth via the internet, resulting in layered information and experiences in the Metaverse, a three-dimensional virtual world. This Metaverse has four characteristics: First, Augmented Reality (AR), which is a technology that can be used by humans to unite two-dimensional (2D) and or three-dimensional (3D) objects into the virtual world. Second, Life Logging is an augmentative technology that records and reports the activities of objects and users. Third, Mirror Worlds, which is a reflection of the physical world into the virtual world. Fourth, Virtual Reality, where people are depicted as individuals who are similar to the original through 3D avatars. From a Christian perspective, the Metaverse in this study will be studied with a contextual theological approach through a combination of contextualization and the integrity of posthuman aspects and mysticism. This study focuses on evolutionary wholeness as identified by Teilhard through Delio's work. Meanwhile, the contextualization model refers to Bevans' view. 

