Community Service in Bali Lestari Resort at Pantai Cermin Kanan Village, Pantai Cermin Subdistrict, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatera Province.
Kata Kunci:
Tourism community service, Sapta PesonaAbstrak
The Sapta Pesona consept in Bali Lesati Resort at the village of Pantai Cermin Kanan, Pantai Cermin District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra Province, is an important issue in the implementation of the community service program organized by lecturers and students of the Tourism and Hotel Academy of Darma Agung (APP-DA). Based on the problem analysis, the community service was focused on three methods, namely: (1) the socialization method, (2) focus group discussion (FGD), and (3) the community education method. The data collection techniques in this service used observation, interviews, documentation, and FGD techniques. The conclusion of this community service was that the implementation of the Sapta Pesona concept in Pantai Cermin Kanan village on its seven elements could be carried out well, but it was still not optimal, especially on the elements of cleanliness, and memories. The suggestions that could be given were that the role of local governments needed to be improved to add insight to the community in implementing the Sapta Pesona concept, especially on the elements of cleanliness, and memories, which were still not optimal.