The Effect Of Internal Communication On Work Productivity Of Employees Tata Graha In Star Hotel In Ajibata Sub-District, Toba Samosir District
communication, work productivity, housekeepingAbstract
This study aims to analyze internal communication and work productivity of employees in star-rated hotels in Ajibata District, Toba Samosir Regency. To find out whether internal communication has a significant effect on employee productivity in the field of housekeeping. In this study quantitative types of research are used. The research data was collected from 15 respondents, the respondents' answers were then processed using the SPSS program by conducting validity tests, reliability tests, and simple linear regression tests. The results of the analysis show that internal communication has an effect of only 3.6% on work productivity. Viewed from these results, it can be said that internal communication has little effect on work productivity